Polaris Trophy

Total Cost: $27.14$34.95

Product Total: 27.14
Product Total: 27.14
SKU: M15_PLS133.
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PLS133A - 135mm$27.14$26.33$25.78$24.97$24.43$23.34
PLS133B - 155mm$31.12$30.19$29.56$28.63$28.01$26.76
PLS133C - 175mm$34.95$33.9$33.2$32.15$31.46$30.06

Elegant design in this ‘Polaris’ series showcases a finely designed metal insert representing your sport or activity. Same prestige metal inserts to be used in other trophies, awards and medals to create a versatile range of awards.

Dimensions0.00 × 60.00 × 0.00 mm

PLS133A – 135mm, PLS133B – 155mm, PLS133C – 175mm