Motorsport Piston Shield

Total Cost: $22.77$40.00

Product Total: 22.77
Product Total: 22.77
SKU: M15_13586.
Categories: , ,
  Buy in bulk and save!
13586 - 135mm$22.77$22.09$21.63$20.95$20.49$19.58
13686 - 155mm$30.26$29.35$28.75$27.84$27.23$26.02
13786 - 210mm$40$38.8$38$36.8$36$34.4

Classic wreath and shield inspired design, the Motorsport Piston Shield is an affordable and popular award choice. A versatile theme award that is available in 3 convenient sizes.

Dimensions0.00 × 85.00 × 0.00 mm

13586 – 135mm, 13686 – 155mm, 13786 – 210mm